How To Install/Setup W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin to Improve Website Performance
I am the client of WordPress Site ,want to increase speed of site to participate with my competitive website ,because of which ,i will suggest you to install W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin to fasten your site speed.
How To Install/Setup W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin |
W3 Total Cache (W3TC) improves your site's SEO and user experience by increasing website performance and reducing load time by enhancing features such as Content Delivery Network (CDN) integration and the latest best practices.
You may have shared hosting environment. So, if you're on a shared hosting platform and you're sharing your hosting space with other high traffic websites.
There’s almost no way you can improve your speed significantly because the other websites using so much of the host’s bandwidth.
But, you can still do what you can and the W3 caching plugin can help with this, and if you're worried that your shared hosting is slowing you down, you can also look at dedicated hosting servers or a different host like WP Engine.
It does not share hosting and they are optimized for WordPress - both the W3 caching plugin and you can get some website speed improvements and why you want to improve website speed.
Well, there are basically two reasons - your visitors love a fast website and it has been proven to be the fastest website loading, especially the more money you earn for eCommerce websites and faster Google, the site speed is one of the ranking factors.
The faster a website performs, the better the ranking of website pages, the better your website will rank. So, this plugin is free, there is a paid version with free version. Log into our blog dashboard, hover over the plugins on the left, and then click on Add New, and then type W3 cache in the search bar.
And, this is the first of its kind here. And, if it's already installed, that's fine, but if it's not installed on your website, there's an Install Now button, click on it, and then activate the plugin and what it does - well, here are the warnings above.
First of all, this is what we get rid of in a second. But, what it does is it adds a new link at the bottom called Performance. And, we want to move on and click on General Settings, a big selling point for dashboard payment versions.
Install and Setup W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin
Deactivate and uninstall any other caching plugin you are using. If you customize rewrite rules for fancy permalinks, if you have already installed the caching plugin or have browser caching rules, W3TC will automate all best practices. Before proceeding make sure that wp-content / and wp-content / uploads / (temporarily) have 777 permissions, e.g. At the terminal: # chmod 777 /var/www/vhosts/ Using your web hosting control panel or your FTP / SSH account.
Login to your WordPress admin account as an administrator. Using the "Add New" menu option under the "Plugins" section of the navigation, you can search for: w3 Total cache or if you have already downloaded the plugin, click on the "Upload" link and you will find the .zip file and download, "Install Now" Click. Or you can unzip the plugin (wp-content / plugins /) to your plugins directory and upload FTP. In both cases, wp-content / plugins / w3-total-cache / whenever.
Locate and activate the plugin on the “Plugins” page. Page caching automatically runs in basic mode. Set the permissions of wp-content and wp-content / uploads to 755, e.g. At the terminal: # chmod 755 /var/www/vhosts/
Now click on the “Settings” link to go to the “General Settings” tab; In most cases, "disk enhanced" mode is the "good" starting point for the page cache.
The “Compatibility Mode” option, which appears in the advanced section of the “Page Cache
Settings” tab, enables the functionality to optimize the interoperability of caching with WordPress, disabled by default, but highly recommended. Years of tests on hundreds of thousands of installs have helped us learn how to cache with a blog. The downside is that under load tests, the disk is reduced by ~ 20% at the enhanced page cache performance scale.
Recommended: In the "Minimize settings" tab, all recommended settings are preset. Auto Mode If you're having problems with the layout of your website, switch to manual mode and use the help button to facilitate the discovery of your CSS and JS files and groups. Pay close attention to the method and location of your JS group embeddings. See the plugin's FAQ for more information about usage.
Recommended: In the "Browser Cache" tab, HTTP compression is enabled by default. Make sure to start with other options that suit your goals.
Recommended: If you already have a Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider, go to the "Content
Delivery Network" tab and populate the fields and set your preferences. If you do not use the Media Library, you will need to import your images into the default location. To perform this task, use the
Media Library Import tool in the "Content Delivery Network" tab. If you do not have a CDN provider, you can still improve your site performance using the "self-hosted" method. On your own server, create a subdomain and matching DNS zone record; Ex: Configure FTP options in and in the "Content Delivery Network" tab. Make sure the FTP uploads the appropriate files using the available upload buttons.
Optional: In the "Database Cache" tab, the recommended settings are preset. If using a shared hosting account carefully using the "disk" method, the disk's response time may not be fast enough, so this option is disabled by default. Try object caching instead for shared hosting.
Optional: In the "Object Cache" tab, all the recommended settings are preset. If using a shared hosting account carefully using the "disk" method, the disk's response time may not be fast enough, so this option is disabled by default. Test this option with and without the database cache to ensure that it provides performance enhancement.
Optional: In the "User Agent Groups" tab, specify any user agents, such as mobile phones, if the mobile theme is used.
So, you need to go to General Settings to set up your plugin. And, the reason for us to have these warnings is to check if it is currently turned on.
Attributes of W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin
Compatible with shared hosting, virtual private / dedicated servers, and dedicated servers / clusters
Management of Transparent Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Media Library, Theme Files and WordPress
Mobile support: including theme caching for related caching, referrers or user agent groups, by referrer or user agent groups
Faster Mobile Pages (AMP) support
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support
Caching pages and posts in memory or disk or (FSD) cdn (through user agent group) (minified and compressed)
Caching of CSS and Javascript in memory, disk, or CDN (minified and compressed)
Caching of feeds (site, categories, tags, comments, search results) in memory or disk or cdn
Caching of search result pages (ie URIs with query string variables) in memory or disk
Caching database objects in memory or disk
Caching objects in memory or on disk
Caching fragments in memory or disk
Caching methods include native disk, redis, memcached, APC, APCu, eAccelerator, XCache and WinCache
Minimize CSS, minimize JavaScript and minimize HTML with particle control
Minimization of posts and pages and RSS feeds
Minimization of inline, embedded or 3rd party JavaScript with automatic updates to assets
Minimization of inline, embedded or 3rd party CSS with automatic updates to assets
Defer to non-critical CSS and Javascript for rendering pages faster than ever before
Postpone offscreen images using Lazy Load to improve the user experience
Browser caching using cache-control, future expired headers and entity tags (ETag) with "cache-busting"
Javascript group by template (home page, post page etc.) with embed location control
Unblocked JavaScript embedding
Import post attachments directly into the Media Library (and CDN)
Use our multiple CDN integrations to optimize images
WP-CLI support for cache purge, query string update and more
Various security features that help ensure website security
Caching statistics for performance insights of any enabled feature
Extension Framework for Customization or Extension for Cloudflare, WPML, and More
Reverse proxy integration via nginx or varnish
Speed up your site immensely without changing WordPress, your theme, your plugins or how you produce your content, and improve the user experience for your readers.
But, we have no other stuff started for them to work on, and we're going to go through each title right now. So you can toggle all the options, by clicking this checkbox.
No, clicking safely and it will turn on every type of website speed improvement function. There is a free version or you can go one by one.
So, basically the page cache - you store the hard copy version of the page on your server with the page cache with WordPress websites.
It's called a dynamic website, a database-based website, so usually when someone visits a page, the server requests the database, and sends that information back to the website, but that request is done with the caching of the page.
Once and the result page is not stored on the server. So, the next time a visitor visits the same page, it can be any visitor, not someone else visits the same page, that page is already stored on the server and you don't need to request a copy from the database.
So, for some website and staff, or there is some rapid improvement, the Minify option basically removes whitespace and extraneous characters from your CSS files and JavaScript files.
Those files are requested every time someone acts as a page access. So reducing that file size means the less bandwidth your site has to use to get that data to the visitor.
This leads to more fast loading time and here is a bunch of other options related to this. But really, all you have to do is click on Enable and we'll click Save All Settings. These are the most advanced things, this is the page caching method, which is very advanced in the options.
So, by default stay with what they have, because it works in 99% of cases. So, if you want to start that option, get started. Then, click on Save Settings.
If you're not an advanced user don't worry about options and the next one is database cache. Same idea for your most recent caching queries.
So, the cache is like a storage area, making sure the cache is like a storage repository for frequently used items. So, for the database cache, you're storing queries in the cache to the database.
Advantages of W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin
Improvements in search engine result page rankings, especially for mobile-friendly websites and sites that use SSL
At least 10x improvement in site performance when fully configured (Grade A or significant Google Page Speed improvements in webpage)
Improved conversion rates and "site performance" that affect your site rank on
“Instant” recurring page views: browser caching
Optimized progressive render: Pages can start rendering quickly and communicate more quickly
Reduced page load time: increased visitor time on the site; Visitors will see more pages
Improved web server performance; Maintain high traffic times
Up to 80% bandwidth savings when you minimize HTML, minimize CSS, and minimize JS files.
That is, they don't have to re-create every time. They can use stored queries and it will go faster. Object cache goes a little further.
From the Above article ,we have learnt ,installing W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin to Improve Website Performance to increase the performance of SEO and user experience of your site.
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