I am Shure y'all are loving the await of your intended sharing widget. I yell upward its fourth dimension y'all at 1 time impliment it conduct to yiur code to the the mashshare social sharing widget working at once. It's every bit tardily every bit placing code as well as proverb goodbye to copying URL as well as welcome to a novel starting fourth dimension of sharing page content conduct to social media.
How To Add Mashshare Sharing Social Widgets For Blogger Blog
You volition stimulate got to glue the next codes- Mashshare social sharing widget CSS code.
- Mashshare social sharing widget HTML code.
- Mashshare social sharing widget SCRIPT code.
How To Add Mashshare social sharing widget CSS code.
Step 1. Log inwards to Blogger as well as pick out your specific website to add together the SEO code.Step 2. Reach out to the left commands past times navigating to them to the Template command
Step 3. Click on the template ascendency as well as thence locate the Edit HTML adjacent to Customize.
Step 4. Click anywhere inwards your code as well as thence click on Ctrl+F inwards windows or CMD+F inwards mac.
Step 5. Search for ]]></b:skin>
Step 6. Just ABOVE the Abouve code, glue the CSS code below.
/*Mashshare Social Media Share For Seoclive.com*/ #sharrrrre{float:left;margin:0 5px 0 0;padding:8px;border-right:1px company silver}
.sharrre .count{color:#7fc04c;font-weight:700;display:block;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;width:100px;line-height:40px;padding:0}
.sharrre .share{color:#666;display:block;font-size:10px;height:10px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;width:100px;padding:0}
.social-div a{text-decoration:none!important;display:inline-block}
.social-div a img{display:inline-block;width:auto;height:auto;margin:0 8px 0 -5px;vertical-align:middle}
#socialshare{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-size:16px;padding:14px 20px 15px;text-decoration:none;font-family:Open Sans;margin-right:5px;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-webkit-text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;text-transform:uppercase}
#socialshare:active{padding:15px 20px;margin-bottom:-1px}
#socialshare:hover{opacity: 0.9;}
.share-toggle a{color:#fff;text-decoration:none;}
.social-div{vertical-align:middle;margin: 25px;}
.expand:active{box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 #c5bebe;height:41px;margin-bottom:-1px}
.mbafacebook:active{box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 #4671b5}
.mbagoogle-plus{background:#4d4f54 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3dxEnrZNvK5A2bZLM2_8IcVvNFh7A_0nQkq2QB2QdRLt7kg0tC0w2b6FGYCKyGinnJgffl3Na-yhxZEBUEAFUk_m7spkMRxrwrhWDs7BMyLKQFCvmP1gpqn1f0HMQG0w7hvryFC6R8LQ/s20/g+.png) no-repeat center}
.mbagoogle-plus:active{box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 #43454c}
.mbalinkedin{background:#1aace3 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjqDzAWL-zIdtpIpEVlVkWqZvVhTzDbm6RrdEIFFTXL8fK0SfsSSKA-in6OZJ7d-wJMa2Dpv7Zyqy48YDkGNrzhg9cu95pogYFmWToY_R2Hgvl-NlZZuW9Fq0gPFmRiNuFGRBhAq2nj9ls/s20/in.png) no-repeat center}
.mbalinkedin:active{box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 #12a4db}
.mbapinterest{background:#f16261 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiv-V97gPaU611ZWYBc9VaE7dG39hjHNzCHaru_lYZKDEdnmuXoX2X9-BTQlvOFq1rOZCuL-YTPEDULEVC-IzH0NpqJNwFZG7cJ22SxEsKT338ZQQWWV3ZSkSUdU-QpZveoJTmCnWv9590/s20/pinterest.png) no-repeat center}
.mbapinterest:active{box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 #e85756}
.mbastumbleupon{background:#fdaf40 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgx9qw9Q5fm6U6ADdoVMIOo_swJiwIXSYDbgSP93Kn-xLqCPUwr4cTaYPnPT8YNvk7iFtybPFq78u7pMm1LlhW_ew4z60Gj_l8ZCQZ7OzKWyiJIaL1UH7UrK4skUDQU9ioP-b53RWnLKIQ/s20/stumble.png) no-repeat center}
.mbastumbleupon:active{box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 #f5a635}
How To Add Mashshare Social Sharing Widget HTML .
Step 1. Log inwards to Blogger as well as pick out your specific website to add together the SEO code.Step 2. Reach out to the left commands past times navigating to them to the Template command
Step 3. Click on the template ascendency as well as thence locate the Edit HTML adjacent to Customize.
Step 4. Click anywhere inwards your code as well as thence click on Ctrl+F inwards windows or CMD+F inwards mac.
Step 5. Copy the Below code as well as past times it Below <data:post.body/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='social-div'>
<div id='sharrrrre'>
<div data-title='SHARES' id='shareme'/>
<div style='display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 20px;'>
<a class='mbafacebook' expr:href='"http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=" + data:post.url + "&title="+ data:post.title' id='socialshare' onclick='window.open(this.href, 'windowName', 'width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); homecoming false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
<img src='https://googledrive.com/host/0B8D3MQmcZTyvN1kzV3lfS2h6NW8'/>
Share on Facebook
<a class='mbatwitter' expr:href='"http://twitter.com/share?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' id='socialshare' onclick='window.open(this.href, 'windowName', 'width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); homecoming false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
<img src='https://googledrive.com/host/0B8D3MQmcZTyvVXp2Qm5OSzRMUmM'/>
Share on Twitter
<div id='expand-social' style='display:none;'>
<a class='socialshare2 mbagoogle-plus' data-title='Google+' expr:href='"https://plus.google.com/u/0/share?url=" + data:post.url' onclick='window.open(this.href, 'windowName', 'width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); homecoming false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
<a class='socialshare2 mbalinkedin' data-title='Linkedin' expr:href='"http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title + "&source=" + data:blog.title' onclick='window.open(this.href, 'windowName', 'width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); homecoming false;' target='_blank'>
<a class='socialshare2 mbastumbleupon' data-title='Stumble-Upon' expr:href='"http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' onclick='window.open(this.href, 'windowName', 'width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); homecoming false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
<a class='socialshare2 mbapinterest' data-title='Pin it' expr:href='"http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=" + data:post.url + "&media=" + data:post.thumbnailUrl + "&description=" + data:post.snippet' onclick='window.open(this.href, 'windowName', 'width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable'); homecoming false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
<div class='share-toggle'>
<div id='social-expand' onClick='toggle('expand-social');'>
<div class='expand-plus expand'>+</div>
<div class='expand-minus expand'>-</div>
Add Script Of Mashshare Sharing Social Widgets For Blogger Blog
Step 1. Log inwards to Blogger as well as pick out your specific website to add together the SEO code.Step 2. Reach out to the left commands past times navigating to them to the Template command
Step 3. Click on the template ascendency as well as thence locate the Edit HTML adjacent to Customize.
Step 4. Click anywhere inwards your code as well as thence click on Ctrl+F inwards windows or CMD+F inwards mac.
Step 5. Search for the code </body>
Step 6. Before the higher upward code glue the below code
<script src='https://cdn.rawgit.com/msdesign92/ms-design/master/mashable-share.js'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
share: {
googlePlus: true,
facebook: true,
twitter: true,
stumbleupon: true,
linkedin: true,
pinterest: true
enableTracking: true,
enableHover: false,
<script type='text/javascript'>
function toggle(d)
$("#" + d).animate({width:'toggle'},400);
Now y'all are done inwards adding the mashshare social sharing widget to your blogger blog. Incase y'all wishing to discovery more, read on the bellow posts or fifty-fifty comment or contact me as well as i volition hold out able to handle tou inwards whatever way. Thank you.
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